Lifting the canopy of two Lime trees and a Scholars tree in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire.
Last week we were in Hills Avenue in Cambridge City Centre to lift the canopy of two large Lime trees and a Large Scholars tree, all of...

Pruning Parthenocissus at Paxton Place in Great Paxton, Cambridgeshire.
This week we were in Great Paxton pruning a Parthenocissus climbing plant. The plant was extremely well established, covering the...

Reducing a large Leylandii hedge in Caxton, Cambridgeshire
This week we were at Caxton Hall in Caxton, Cambridgeshire, reducing a large Leylandii hedge, several other hedges and carrying out some...

Felling a large Silver Birch tree situated over a house in Abbotsely, Cambridgeshire.
Last week we were in Abbotsely, Cambridgeshire, felling a large Silver Birch tree. The majority of the tree had to be lowered, using a...

Hedge trimming at Sudbury Meadows, Saint Neots, Cambridgeshire
This week we were at Sudbury Meadows in Saint Neots, Cambridgeshire, trimming a mixed hedge. The client had accepted our quote over...